
Ensuring that every human can afford a decent and healthy life is an individual duty. It can be easily achieved if we mutualize resources to create knowledge and technologies that can be freely used, reproduced, adapted, and improved.

Aiming co-created collective health

Play is a natural way to experiment, socialize, learn. Our community invites people to collectively create libre and open-source games and game controllers to foster mutual and self- care in respiratory and mental health.

We bring together game designers, programmers, artists, people with respiratory and mental health experience, clinicians, and other passionate people. Together, we prototype games, develop an inclusive creation and research methodology, and mutualize resources to coordinate the initiative and root it local communities.

Valuing access to care

We value

  • inclusive care – We create essential solutions with the diverse communities who need them.
  • coordinated efforts – We mutualize forces and agree on meaningful collaborations to avoid alike projects.
  • freely reproducible – We ensure our work can be found, reproduced and improved upon freely by interested individuals.
  • fair redistribution – We ensure that outcomes generated are shared among the contributors.
  • validated impact – We validate accessibility and health outcomes with scientific methods.

A diverse global community

Breathing Games is a global open access commons, supported by the Swiss registered Breathing Games Association and other legal sponsors.


    We thank the people and organizations who have made this adventure possible by providing funds, expertise and infrastructure:

    We are also members of the