Thematize daily life situations, and encourage youths to discuss their daily habits with other people.
Since the aliens arrived, everyone has asthma. Go on a mission and find out how to live well with asthma so the world can breathe freely again!
· Improve it (Unity 2018.3) · Play online · Play on Linux · Play on Windows · Play on Mac OS
On these seven islands, three characters have asthma. Will you be able to gather the information and materials needed to help them get better?
Free breathing therapy. Breath to advance your ship and solve the challenges the crew faces.
Free breathing therapy. Breath in to move forward and breath out to shoot and destroy the meteorites.
Do a strong exhalation to launch the ball on the highest floor, and catch all the stars you can.
Do a strong exhalation to break the walls, then breathe quietly to bring the ball close to the flag.
LungLauncher: Breath out to launch your lung, catch the pumps and avoid the asthma triggers. MyRoom: Use the points gathered during the games to customize your character and space.
Predefined PEP therapy. Breath appropriately to have the ball grow and catch the objects more easily.
Settable PEP therapy. Breath out to catch a thief who seizes artworks from different cultures.
Predefined PEP therapy. Captain, breath out to move your air bubble ship and destroy the mucus. To play, press the space bar during your 15 breaths.
Separated PEP therapy/game. Place the tree colors towers in the squares to destroy the cubes. Press M to simulate breathing.
Separated PEP therapy/game. Each expiration done well gives an arrow. After the huffs, use the arrows to reach the goal.